
If you have never paid rent before it’s important to get into the routine quickly.

St Basils are specialists at helping young people understand how important paying rent is and ensuring you get into the habit as quickly as possible.

Your payments make sure that St Basils can maintain your home and provide the services you receive while you are living at the property. It also helps St Basils plan for the future.

There’s more information below on how to pay, and the video below should help explain quickly and easily about paying rent now and in the future.

  • How do I pay my rent?

    Speak to your Housing Officer to decide which of the following options is best for you:

    – Standing Order – This is the easiest way to pay.
    – Direct Bank Transfer – This is the quickest way to pay.
    – Pay cash at the project – This is a backup option.

  • How do I afford my rent?

    If you are on a benefit, a low wage or apprenticeship then you are probably entitled to Housing Benefit (HB).

    A claim must be started when you move in. The amount you receive will influence how much HB you receive. You cannot receive HB without provided evidence if your income, identity and national insurance number.

    In each case there is usually part of the full rent which HB will not pay for. This is called the ‘ineligible charge’ and it must be paid from your benefit or wage.



  • What if I don't pay or I think I cannot afford to pay?

    A letter will be sent to you each week showing your rent balance. It will clearly say if you owe any rent.

    If you cannot pay your rent for any reason tell staff right away. They will help you try to fix the problem and arrange a way for you to clear the debt.

    If you do not respond to the warning letters, the situation will get worse and you could lose your accommodation.

    The limit for ineligible arrears is £50 or the equivalent of four weeks eligible rent charge.

    Being evicted for rent arrears or leaving your home with arrears may prevent housing providers considering you for accommodation in future. It can also affect your chances of applying for credit in the future.

  • Your commitment to us
    • Pay your ineligible amount every week in advance.
    • Do everything required in order to ensure your claim for Housing Benefit is in payment.
    • Complete an HB claim form with staff on the day you arrive and provide proof of ID immigration status and proof of income.
    • Let staff see all letters you receive regarding Housing Benefit and comply with all requests made by council regarding HB within 14 days.


  • Our commitment to you
    • We will give you a rent balance every week so you can see if you owe any rent.
    • We will assist you to claim for the appropriate benefits to help you afford your accommodation.
    • We will help you to fix problems with your account if you choose to work with us.

    We recommend you contact a money advice organisation such as your local Citizens Advice Bureau, or your City Council Debt Advice Line (0121 303 2087) if you want independent advice.