Dashboard / Your Money / Utilities


Utilities cover things like gas, water and electricity. Depending on your accommodation and the terms of your agreement, your utilities might be included in you rent. If they aren’t, you’ll be expected to pay them separately, and your accommodation manager should be able to help you get set up and sort everything out to make sure you are paying your bills on time.

Whether your utilities are included in your rent, or you are paying separately, it’s always important to be careful with the amount of energy and water you use – not only is it better for the environment, it’s also much better for your pocket, too – and learning how to use energy and water in a sustainable way is good practice for the future.

Here we’ve included some handy tips, how-tos and safety info on how to make sure your being energy-wise and only using as much as you should.

Water leaks

Drips fill buckets – so even if you have just a little drip coming from your tap, all those drips can add up to bigger bills. The below link will provide the direction you need on how to find leaks and fix the smaller ones – and you should always notify you accommodation manager, too, so they can make sure it is addressed correctly.

Fix that Leak

Gas leaks

Time is of the essence in a gas emergency. There are the steps you need to take to stay safe for both your household and your neighbours. Take time to digest the information within the below link, incase a gas incident happens

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Energy saving tips

There are so many ways to reduce your energy use, from switching off lights in rooms as you leave them to using appliances at certain times of day. This is not only great on own bank balance; but also for the environment. Here are a few helpful tips about how you can lower your energy consumption from the Money Saving expert.

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The Do's and Don't of recycling

Recycling is a fab thing to do! Not only does it help the ecosystem; it also helps to conserve resources. Sometimes though, it is hard to know what is recyclable and what isn’t… Here are a few tips:

Get recycling

Changing a light bulb

What do you get when you cross a thought with a light bulb? A bright idea! (We know it’s a bad joke) Changing a light bulb on the other hand is no joke, here’s a helpful guide that shows you how to do this quickly and safely, so you can step out of the dark and into the light.

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Changing a plug-fuse or a plug

Your appliance no longer works, what a nightmare! Instead of replacing it, it may need a new plug-fuse or a plug. Here’s a helpful guide of how to fix it yourself, which may save you some cash!

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Bin collections

Gone are the the days of the one ‘big black bin’? There’s lots of different bins, boxes and bags that help make sure the right waste goes to the right place, and they’re all collected on different days! The below link will provide you with the collection times for your local area so you can make sure you’re doing your bit to keep the planet a little cleaner.

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